lunes, 4 de enero de 2010

República de Italia, Nuy Augusto Caballero de Gracia, S.E.Don Michelangelo Pastore

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Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
El Soberano Maestre y Comandante General de la
Orden de San Ignacio de Loyola
Bajo la Bendición Apostólica de SS Benedicto XVI
y habiendo observado los Méritos y Virtudes de
S.E. Don Michelangelo Pastore
Le confiere el Grado y Dignidad de
Muy Augusto Caballero de Gracia
Con todos los Honores, Preeminencias y Distinciones inherentes a la misma, para que sea reconocido con acato y respeto como Miembro de Nuestra Orden, Concebido en el Cuartel Maestre Buenos Aires Argentina el 04-01-2010 AD
† Prof Dr hc Carlos G. Lavado Ruíz y Roqué Lascano
Maestre y Comandante General SOCMHSIL
Knight of Grace Military Hospitaller Order of St. Mary of Bethlehem - Amoroso dynasty of the Kingdom of Aragon - Holy Roman Empire of the East .- Apostolic Blessing from His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI issued on 30/07/2008.- Knight of the Order of Prince Daniel of Kholm (register number 109/2009) .- Servum Fraterm Honorary Religious and Military Order of the Knights of Christ. (Magistrates diploma nr. 13/2009 of 4 November 2009) .-
Certificate of attendance Ministry of Defense (European Social Fund) Ministry of Labor and Social Security Central Office (OFLP) computer science (courses in Alpha 1 / V and alpha 2 / V) .-
Diploma of "service workers, Supervision" with high profit given by the 12th Battalion Carabinieri Sicily on 06/06/2000 as an auxiliary policeman .
Certificate of Merit awarded by '80 ° Rgt. "Rome" for completing the ongoing exercise "FOCUS 2001" as a student VFB 's E.I. --
Diploma of rescuers (theoretical-practical course of first aid) awarded by AIS (Italian Association SDC) issued 25/11/2008.-
Certificate of participation to the course "document fraud in police work" (code initiative GPA 1349) .-
Meritorious academic member of the Norman Academy (log 407 / A, dated September 28, 2009) .-
Meritorious academic member of the Noble Academy of Saints. (Order 66-B-9 dated 12 October 2009).
Meritorious academic member of the 'Accademia Constantine. (Register 138 A.B dated October 16, 2009).
Writing to the National Police (regular member with the rank of auxiliary policeman) since 1999 .-
Writing to F.I.D.C.A. (Italian Federation of allied fighters) as a regular member from 2008 to present. Awarded the Medal associations in Europe and an ally of the White Cross-Listed FIDCA AIS (Italian association rescuers) from 2008 to today. --
Meritorious academic member of the Academia Sancti Francisci (lit. Pat. Nr. 465 Series 392 M of 07/11/2009) .-
Academic partner of the Academy San Faustino, Onlus Association Umanitas .-
Diploma of honorary member of the Bioethics Center NASTI (Establishment of dynastic Byzantine Imperial House of Love) .-
Accademician of Merit INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF ST. GEORGE .-Holder to carry arms for the exercise and sport shooting released by police headquarters in Vicenza on 25/07/2008.- several letters of appreciation of the Veneto Region Police have completed investigations
and police operations .-
Commemorative medal peace operations (2 missions) and Commemorative Medal NATO Kosovo 2003 (KFOR in Kosovo in 2003 and Bosnia IFOR / SFOR2004)
From 18/03/1998 to 17/03/1999 Carabiniere auxiliary.
From 26/03/2001 to 05/10/2004 (VFB student of the Italian Army c / o 80 Rgt. "ROME" in Cassino (FR), specialization course at the School of Artillery of Bracciano (RM) where I obtained the job of security guard and Target Acquisition on the battlefield, and then from 2002 to 2004 at the 3rd Rgt. Artillery Mountain (Alpine Brigade Julia) where I was employed as a Rifleman, lead vehicles, command officer and observer d 'artillery. Army were deployed in peacekeeping missions abroad with instructions to shoot, supervisors / stocks and LOT (Laison Osservation
Team) .- Promoted to the rank of corporal and corporal of the Italian Army.From 06/10/2004 to date are effective policeman .-


La Legión de Loyola. Nombramiento de S.E. Dr. Don JORGE LUIS BURGOS, habiéndosele otorgado la venera de la Soberana Compañía de Loyola y del Cuerpo Socorro Argentino

L a   L egión de  L oyola (CHRISTIFIDELIS LAICI,58) L a   C aballería:  la   F uerza  A rmada al  s ervicio de la  V erdad   D esarmada.   R...