sábado, 20 de febrero de 2010

Lugartenencia de Italia S.E. Dr Don Enzo Modulo Morosini Muy Augusto Caballero S.O.C.M.H.S.I.L.

El Soberano Comandante General de la Orden de Loyola
Bajo la Bendición Apostólica de SS Benedicto XVI

y habiendo observado los Méritos y Virtudes de

S.E Co. Dott. Enzo Modulo Morosini
Le confiere el Grado y Dignidad de

Muy Augusto Caballero de Gracia Magistral
Con todos los Honores, Preeminencias y Distinciones inherentes a la misma, para que sea reconocido con acato y respeto como Miembro de Nuestra Orden, Concebido en el Cuartel Maestre Buenos Aires Argentina el 20-02-2010 AD
+Don Carlos Gustavo Lavado Ruíz y Roqué Lascano
Comandante General S.O.C.M.H.S.I.L.
Curriculum Vitae

Born at Padua March 25 1946 from the Co. Giorgio and N. D. Cesira Benetollo now resident in San Giuseppe di Cassola Vicenza.

Science high school degree, degree in Philosophy with a research PHD
degree in Medical Psychology, four years degree in Heraldic Sciences and Documentaries and one (biennial) in Paleography;
Acquitted the compulsory military service as Ufficiale di Complemento of E.I. in the Ariete Division;

Already conjugated with joy using the Roman Catholic Church rite in the Church of S. Sofia from whose action of love was born Filippo (march 19th of 1971) now Lawyer in Rome and Leonardo (4th november
1972) now Architect in Milan, both native to Padua;

Freelancer;Studious and fascinated of Heraldic, Medieval Story and Story of the Church;

This are some of my memberships:

Censore and Giureconsulto of Consiglio Araldico Italiano di Padova, member of Istituto Araldico Genealogico Italiano di Bologna, of Piemontese Società Italiana Studi Araldici, of Società Svizzera di
Araldica, Curator of Archivio Storico Corder Modulo Morosini founded in Venice in 1878 by my ancestor Co. Carlo, Accademic of Accademia Araldica Nobiliare Italiana of Florence, Senator Member of Istituto del
Sacro Romano Impero, etc, etc.

Patrizio Veneto,Conte dell' Impero d' Austria, Conte di Risicalla, Conte dell' Aquila e della Spada, Signore di Sant' Anna, CavaliereEreditario, etc, etc. Cavaliere della Repubblica Italiana, dell'Ordine Civile di Savoia, di San Lazzaro, etc, etc.


La Legión de Loyola. Nombramiento de S.E. Dr. Don JORGE LUIS BURGOS, habiéndosele otorgado la venera de la Soberana Compañía de Loyola y del Cuerpo Socorro Argentino